Curriculum Overviews
Our mission ‘For all our children to enjoy successful learning in a safe and happy environment’ is embodied in our curriculum.
- Larkfield children will develop core life skills so that they are not just literate and numerate but resilient, empathetic, assiduous, healthy and thoughtful.
- Larkfield children will experience a curriculum that is broad and balanced, enabling them to understand their place in the world through History, Geography and RE and, to understand the world around them through Science, DT, MFL and Computing and to experience, create, enjoy and appreciate music and art.
- Larkfield children will develop an understanding of how to be healthy and safe both physically and mentally and of the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen of the United Kingdom.
- When children leave Larkfield, they should be well prepared and ready to make the most of the next stage of their education and life beyond.
The measure of the success of the curriculum is that children Know more and remember more.
Subjects are inter-related and we therefore deliver aspects of our curriculum, where appropriate, through topics or themes.
Our curriculum is built upon the National Curriculum Programmes of study for each subject area, planned in phases that match the organisation of the National Curriulum:
- Early Years Foundation Stage [‘Reception’]
- Key Stage 1 [Y1 and Y2]
- Lower Key Stage 2 [Y3 and Y4]
- Upper Key Stage 2 [Y5 and Y6]
Our curriculum operates on a two year cycle [A and B] - we are currently in Cycle B [2022-23].
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Contact the School
Larkfield Primary School
Preston New Road
Main Contact: Mrs. Craven [Bursar]
Tel: 01704 224720
Fax: N/A
SEN Contact: Miss A. Felmingham
SEN Email: