Friends Of Larkfield
FOL exists to support the work of Larkfield Primary school. Consisting of Parents and Larkfield staff, we organise a wide range of fun activities throughout the year, which enables us to provide funds to the school for ‘extras’ not usually covered by the school budget.
We always need extra help - whether you have lots of time to offer or just an hour at a single event!
Please leave your details at the school office and one of the friends will contact you.
Our elected officers for 2023 - 2024 are: Rachel Henderson [Chair], Kerry Wright [Treasurer] Amy Carapanagiotu [Secretary]
Upcoming events:
2nd November - Autumn Discos
1st December - Supper with Santa
14th March - Film Night
25th April - Spring Discos
24th May - 'Bog-eyed Jog'
28th June - Summer Fair
18th July - Summer Discos
Please come along if you can help in any way. If you can't attend meetings but can offer any help, however much or little, we want to hear from you! Please email us at the address below or leave a message at the school office.
How can you help?
Setting up for events / cleaning up after events/ supervising children [DBS check will be required for this] / trips to wholesalers to collect stock / organising the FOL cupboard / generating ideas for new events / contacting suppliers or stallholders / running stalls / baking / serving refreshments etc etc
We can now be contacted via e-mail
Files to Download
Contact the School
Larkfield Primary School
Preston New Road
Main Contact: Mrs. Craven [Bursar]
Tel: 01704 224720
Fax: N/A
SEN Contact: Miss A. Felmingham
SEN Email: