Keeping our children safe
If you are concerned in any way about the welfare of any child at our school, you should either speak to the designated safeguarding lead [DSL] Mr. Ward or one of the designated deputies, Mr. Palmen and Mrs. Flynn.
All information is treated in confidence but you must understand that we are obliged to notify social services if we feel a child is at risk. Alternatively you may contact social services on:
0345 140 0845 Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm
0151 920 8234 - evenings and weekends
At Larkfield, we utilise National Online Safety to stay on top of online safety related news, social media updates, gaming updates and evolving online issues. Please find below parent/carer guides to help support any online safety issues that may arise at home. We update this weekly.
Attendance and Safeguarding
Poor attendance at school can be an indicator that children are not being cared for effectively and failing to ensure children attend school is in itself a neglectful act as it denies children an education. Our expectation is that all children will attend school on time on every occasion when school is open to them. The government regards children that attend fewer than 90% of sessions as persistent absentees and expects the school to take action. Please see our attendance and punctulity policy on the 'Key Information' page for more information.
Collecting Children
If, for any reason, someone else is collecting your child at the end of the school day, it is imperative that you contact the office in advance, so that your child's teacher can be made aware. If someone different arrives to collect your child, and we do not know that person, we reserve the right not to send the child with them until we have had confirmation from someone with parental responsibility. Children who are not collected on time should always come to the school office so that we can make contact with parents.
Traffic on site
This is a busy site, serving four schools. In order to make our site safer for all children, the heads of all the schools have determined that parents' cars should not come on site at any point during the school day [including during breakfast club, when staff are arriving for work and we also have delivery vehicles coming and going]. The only exceptions are parents of children with disabilities and parent drivers who have a valid disability badge. All others are expected to park off site and walk their children in. Two of the other schools, Presfield and Peterhouse, are for children with special needs, many of whom are brought and collected by taxi or bus - these are also permitted on site.
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Contact the School
Larkfield Primary School
Preston New Road
Main Contact: Mrs. Craven [Bursar]
Tel: 01704 224720
Fax: N/A
SEN Contact: Miss A. Felmingham
SEN Email: